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About Reinholdt

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Rising Star

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  1. Name: Oliver Reinholdt Jensen. Location: Denmark, Holbæk. What you do(work/school..): I'm full time working at a hardware store (elgiganten / elkjop) & school Age: 19 Languages: Danish & English Online for x hours a day: 6 hours mostly more. Experience with our products: used you're EFT cheats a lot. great job. Relevant experience: used to be a owner of a hacking community with 150+ members. Currently in a "hacker family used to be a Admin on 4 different ArmA 3 community's with 200+ members. I'm known in the hacking community when i use my "cover" name. Why you think you would be good for this position: I have a lot of experience, i'm really mature of my age atleast that's what im told - I know how to respect other people, even tho i might have something against them, i love to help people with problems etc. that's why i'm better then other's, i speak fluent english & i've had the same "job" like u are in need of right now. I'm extremly active, probally more then others. - i used to be a reseller here for your community. & I'm really smart and don't jump to stupid mistakes. Anything else: most of you probally know me, i won't dissapoint u, and that's a insurance.
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