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Everything posted by HillaryForTarkov

  1. If I remember correctly someone said to always use HWID Spoofer, play as normal as possible, and be careful how you send content creators to the black screen of shame. Honestly I think if we use common sense we will all be alright. That means unlocking doors as a scav, looting through objects, and yeeting grenades through 6 doors and over a fence when you haven't made "contact" with a player is a less than good idea.
  2. I'd honestly use a sick day and donate the 8 hours of sick pay to Chod. Work doesn't need me, but my depleting stack of rubles do.
  3. I feel your pain buddy, I dont even play solo anymore without the help from Chod. With me being a welder and working the hours that I do, I dont stand a chance against most Tarkov players.
  4. I like the cheese for a few reasons. It makes questing easier and less dangerous, it makes finding good loot easy, it helps me slap the mosin boi's before they slap me, and most importantly it helps me protect myself from you bastards. ?
  5. Having the font updated is a huge plus. Now when I turn on my loot esp I won’t get the brain.exe has stopped working error. ?
  6. This is a cool idea. We know you cant exactly give us a play by play on what is going on but it does feel reassuring having some light shed on the progress the Chod's team is making.
  7. 10/10 if found in game I would definitely put it in my container ?
  8. It looks great, I’m excited to see the finished product!
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