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About dgromov

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  1. close the topic please, I cannot provide that service at that time.
  2. Yesterday at about 2am I was trying to be active on forum and make little bit of content. In chat box I wrote 3 messages in a row, 2 of them was In caps. MIND that it was 3am so almost no one was there. After about 5 minutes i am being slapped with a warning from "crowszero" for spamming and using caps. This was out of NOWHERE! I was not being direspectful, i was not swearing,i was not bugging anyone, i was only trying to be funy and praising chod in german! He did not let me know to stop what i was doing! Besides there was a guy right before me and he wrote 4 messages in a row AND he was swearing. crowszero did not gave him warning point, i checked! So what I ask is if you could please remove that warning point, because its is very demotivating to try to build reputation on your forum when stuff like that just happens out of no where. Thanks.
  3. I am confident that bsg devs are prioritizing cheats that are screwing with the game most. I don't believe for a minute that they don't know all about current cheats that are out there. So, there for my opinion is if we keep hacking on the DL, we are less likely to get the attention of game devs. Which allows us use cheat for longer time. It is a 100% speculation though
  4. So, you are saying that people flying across the map and oneshoting fully geared playears did not contribute to cheat being detected? Huge eft community outcry is what started this whole thing. If people would not act nuts with with the cheat and just using safe features, this ban waive could have been prolonged for a long time.
  5. Just PM me and i will give you my steam ID
  6. I was thinking that maybe EFT hack should not have that many features. Because it attracts unwanted attention. I completely understand that Chod and his team are trying to compete with all other cheat makers, but in my opinion what most of the costumers are trying to buy here is Security and Convenience. Chod's team already nailed the "convenience part" but seeing how much people got banned lately, I think its not only hurt the costumers but Chod's team also, because now, some small percentage are just simply going to quit playing EFT all together because they don't want to buy another acc and website will loose potential revenue. So long story short, my proposition is to keep this hack on the DL and only implement relatively safe features such as auto/unlocker WH and etc. That way we will be able to avoid whole bunch of unwanted attention, and whenever you kill some, they can never 100% confidentially say that person who killed them was hacking. Its going to be simply a guessing game at that point.
  7. I bet you agree to everything they are doing in "Terms and Services". Even their website now scans your cookies.
  8. I JUST WANT RUST! But i am not worthy yet)))
  9. LIMITED! I sold bunch of skins on my steam account and now i have some steam money that i don't need so i can gift you any game for 35% off. I can receive payments through paypal. You pay first, then i send you the "gift". If for whatever reason I cant send you a game, I will refund you! PM me.
  10. Whatsup everyone, I am little late with introductions but better late than never right? My name is Denis and I love cheating. Thanks to Mr. Chod for providing us with that awesome opportunity to make people butt-hurt! Feel free to say HI! Also I am russian so you can say high in russian)
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