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  1. imo cheesing eft days are over play properly from now on i think
  2. I bloody hope it’s being released today so I can cheese for Chrissy
  3. I just noticed this, went to the store to see if it was there and it isnt there anymore. Only on my purchase history can i see it and it is the same for me 49.99. Does this mean its VIP only and will i have access to it.....?
  4. Hi all. I had the cheat for a few months a year or so ago and left the game for a while. After .12 hit I’ve been back into tarkov solid since release. cannot wait for the cheat good work guys, will I have access to it or will it be behind a long term member lock or VIP only or something? can I assume i will be cheesing my life away soonTM?
  5. I’ve never used it but will this change my HWID and enable me to play other games that I’m HWID banner on. And would I need to run it every time I wanna play or just the once and then it’s changed forever
  6. So I am a new cheater if that makes sense, never cheated on anything untill today. I’m using the EFT hack and looking for some suggestions whatever they may be? Whether it be best aim or settings, best config or keybings and most of all best way to not get caught!!!!
  7. TheUknown


    hi all first of all looking forward to get to know all of you, just a bit shook up. i purchased the eft cheat about 10 minutes ago and ive installed it onto a memory stick, i followed commands and it said client will now close, start the game. i started eft and about 45 seconds later the game closed and it came up with a red box saying "security violation, please alert staff" did i do something wrong and is that me caught out already and going to get a ban when the admins get on or something
  8. Hi all new member here. Going to try my luck... EFT sub!!!
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