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Everything posted by Jakester

  1. yeah, but who needs it. look how some people use their 1080ti... med/high settings, nothing ultra, playing 1440 to get max FPS. that's not fun for me. i want my games to look good and have good FPS. i'm not going for max everything. but my 1080ti get's it's max/ultra graphics settings where ever possible. and no, no 2080 for me, don't have the money right now.
  2. Toothbrush, water, toothpaste, water, start
  3. Jakester

    SCUM game

    Ok, if DayZ isn’t for you then SCUM won’t cut it.
  4. Jakester

    SCUM game

    oh boy, this is an early access game and a cheap one at that. what did you expect? it has already more content as DayZ, looks better and the future looks way better...
  5. Jakester

    SCUM game

    you can’t sell games in numbers if you don’t find a way to also get ‘casuals‘ in. and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you have enough content that keeps the ‘hardcore‘ players satisfied.
  6. now that i think about it... it’s cereal then milk. but for how i like my cereals, milk and then cereals would be better. i like more milk and let my cereals soak...
  7. yeah, we have to think about if for spectators obvious features make sense anymore. if they are in they will get used. so the question is should we get rid of e.g. speedhacking, teleporting, unlock without key... in last consequence this could mean we only are left with ESP and some kind of legit Aimbot (which would be fine with me)
  8. ion way could also be to take screenshots during the game. BSG wouldn’t be the first to do that. in the case of scan and detect really one of the easiest.
  9. i'm not applying (even while i think i may be quailified and could bring some knowledge to the game - the biggest problem for me is not enough time) and wish all that do good luck but most of all for the chosen one: fun. much of it. you will need it.
  10. count me in. but if i remember correctly, they said it´s unlikely because of low player base right now.
  11. i has been announced but no release date yet... (other than this fiscal year, which means until march 2019)
  12. you are right, played the last hours and it's really fun... still on the search for the right/correct settings but boy is it fun already... and a lot less dying
  13. Hi, can someone push me in the right direction? thanks
  14. started with EFT some time ago but lost interest due to other games [PUBG/others]. just stumbled across CHOD's and will now try the EFT Cheat... let's find out how this works and works out...
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