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About ibeintan

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  1. Yup forgot about the HWID thing. I also had to sub to another place that maintains a HWID spoofer.
  2. This right here. Chods EFT cheese was the best I've seen/used. Since it's been gone, I've roamed around trying to find a place to fill it's void. From cheap $20mo to expensive $300mo cheese from other places, all detected within days. And the other places only offered basic features. If you want something of quality, Chods is the place to get it hands down. So it's worth it IMO. Just hope it comes back.
  3. Yeah I agree with having Apex cheese. I only trust chods and I no longer have tarkov. But then again, I think EAC is different per game. I hope chod gets on this. I'm going to keep my eye out for it.
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