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About Cyka-Chica

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Rising Star

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  1. Name: David Location: France What you do(work/school..): I'm actually in a advanced technician certificate (2nd Year) in Networking Age: 21 Languages: French (mother language) English (very good), Spanish (basic level) and Russian (begin to learn) Online for x hours a day: Almost all days, but in average I'm online for 8 to 13 hours Experience with our products: I have bought EFT, CSGO, BF1, Sea of Thieves, and the USB Stick + i'm Supporter Relevant experience: During my internship in companies i've learn to found, and resolve issues, mostly computer or network issues. I had to explain to people who know pratically nothing in computing how it works and how to resolve their problems. Why you think you would be good for this position: I think i'm good for this position because, I love to help people, on the forums I try to help even if I know it's not my job to do it. I tell people when their threads aren't in the good category. Or if they have a problem i'm trying to help them. Also i'm good because I know how a good moderator need to be and what he needs to do. My past experiences gave me the opportunity to learn that, on servers with 30+ people and their dedicated forums, for example en SAMP, Gmod, FiveM / GTMP, and Arma 3. I know when something isn't working people can be anxious and I know how to calm them and explain peacefully that will be solve soon. Anything else: I'm in the community for a long time (for me), and i've learn a lot on this forum and his community, I know how chod's products work, not all of them but the most used.
  2. Scum will be great, but it's a new game so many people play on it, need to wait if or not people keep continue to play
  3. Hi everyone, hope you're all fine So let's introduce myself, I'm David aka 0p3r4t1oN or Cyka-Chica (can find me on steam and if you want add me :3), i'm 21 y-o in 3 mounths, I'm French. I bought Chod's yesterday, discovered this beautiful site and forum yesterday by chance, looking for a good cheat on ETF, I've watch the videos and it looks perfectly what I was looking for, but it was when the cheat was in update so couldn't test it for the moment. I would love to play with some of you if you want to So if you want you can add me on steam
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