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About blackworm84

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  1. ye i know that 2100 is not real.. i just post my profile the "problem" is this profile dont show the owned DLCs for example i have all dark souls, tombraider etc.. some games buy to pay at the time then become fp2 for example black desert.. so they give us some ingame stuff idk what.. but anyway.. i check these games and the result around 680$ so thats why i choose 500$+ if someone pay 501 then fine.. but maybe someone wanna pay 550 or 600.. and ye.. we can use middleman ofc
  2. Yo. still try to sell my acc. u can check here the games vac ban records etc. : https://steamcalculator.com/id/dasmass31 if u have some normal offer pls contact me on discord : BadJ0ker#8810 payment via paypal or crypto.(stable coin only) psi. : pls dont give me offer under 500$
  3. heya Wanna sell my cod vanguard standard edition ~ 30$ (no special weapon skin unlocked) escape from tarkov standard edition ~30$ (lvl1 unplayed) discord : BadJ0ker#8810 we can use MM .
  4. Heya, wanna sell my steam account due i dont have time for playing games. https://steamcalculator.com/id/76561198093972589 lots of games, VAC clean. Offers pls. ( dont troll ) and paypal only . we can use middleman if u need. Discord : BadJ0ker#8810
  5. Heya I wanna sell my standard EU acc brand new (lvl2) profil reset, name change everythign available. 30$ paypal only (we can use middleman if u want) Discord : BadJ0ker#8810
  6. Paypal only , u can find all info for acc there :https://steamdb.info/calculator/7656...3972589/?cc=eudiscord : BadJ0ker#8810gimme an offer Account Value/513€ — 1345€/ ofcourse this prize is not real from the steamdb.. but pls trolls leave me alone .
  7. Heya! I want to sell my CoD MW standard acc, coz i dont play the game anymore.. rank 75 tons of unlocked skins etc.. Paypal only, ofc with middleman!! discord: BadJ0ker#8810 prize 25$
  8. Well still dont play this game.. 15$ offer? anyone? noone?
  9. well, 30$ last offer still we use middleman!
  10. if someone have offer we can talk about it..
  11. Heyo I want to sell my CoD ModernWarfare Standard Bnet account. This account only for COD! Rank 71 everything unlocked except the battlepass items/characters 40$ we use middleman!! Discord : BadJ0ker#8810
  12. Yo I have 3 key for Ghost Recon Breakpoint Alpha Test , Test will be live from 31st May (12 PM CEST) to 3rd June (12 PM CEST) Each key 20$ /only uplay/ discord: BadJ0ker#8810
  13. Yay someone pls https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561198093972589/?cc=us there is the acc
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