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Everything posted by Xpi

  1. as we have not have a csgo cheat for years that would be the answere, Years ago last detection for csgo. for cs2 its never been detected.
  2. forsure you never know, let them have some time to polish it up and once its released we might make something for it if it has the numbers.
  3. looking at the numbers from open beta compared to dnd, that game wont last more then a few weeks. but we will see once it is released what the numbers look like. 2400 all time peak during an open beta is super low and compared to dnd's open beta 70kplayers, but we will see what it looks like once its out.
  4. 6 months subs wont happen, but your free to buy 6x 1 month subs.
  5. we dont currently offer a spoofer, so you will need to find a working spoofer on your own for now.
  6. streamproof is just that streamproof. you can stream it on obs and others wont see it.
  7. Thank you for the review and we are glad you like it 🙂 awesome you added a clip so others can see it in action, again thank you!
  8. Xpi


    Breaking the rules can result in a infraction Our infraction table:2 points - 1 day ban.4 points - 7 days ban.6 points - 1 month ban.8 points - 3 months ban. 10+ points - indefinitely ban. When you hit the points specified in the infraction table you will automatically get banned the according time.Infractions expire after 30 days, unless it's a serious infraction.Serious infractions never expire.Note: We may decide to manually ban you if you break too many rules, or we have a very good reason. Note: These rules may change at any time.
  9. Xpi

    Shoutbox rules

    No support. Red colour is exclusive to staff members. Don't try to speed up your hwid reset or tickets. No advertising. Don't ask for ETA's. (ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival) General rules also apply to shoutbox.
  10. Xpi

    Forum rules

    Don't grave-dig old threads. (3 months+ since last reply) Dont post hunt Dont hunt for likes Refrain from spamming. Refrain from double posting and cross-posting. Keep threads on topic.
  11. Xpi

    General rules

    No illegal material. This includes warez, cp, leaked information like credit cards, and so on. Don't post other peoples private information. Don't discuss other cheat providers. Don't post pornographic material. English only. Please don't PM staff members for support. Please don't PM staff members or write tickets to speed up HWID resets. Please don't create threads to try and speed up your HWID resets. Don't advertise. [Giveaways excluded] Don't post links to other discords or websites if its related to selling. [Shoppy and Selly excluded] No flaming, racism, or abuse against other members. Don't sell your Chod's Cheats account. Don't share your Chod's Cheats account. Don't trade your Chod's Cheats account. Don't giveaway your Chod's Cheats account. Multiple accounts is not allowed and will result in a perma ban. As indicated above, your Chod's Cheats account belongs to us, and you only have the right to use it. Don't post leaks of our software, or other provider's software. Don't leak posts from the private section of our forums. Don't ask for ETA's. (ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival) Wait atleast 24 hours until you bump a marketplace-thread. Don't sell any kind of software or hardware on the marketplace. Do not post any discord servers, or link to any servers. note: General rules apply to everything on our forums and Discord.
  12. there is not, simply check the status page for when its out, its close we are talking less then a week.
  13. there is nothing left on your pc and its simply checking for dep settings and would mean nothing for your future use of your pc.
  14. you never know, if the game has enough players we might.
  15. No eta but its closer then you might think 😉
  16. that was along time ago and it was corrected that it was not deadside.
  17. Xpi


    Welcome to ours community. We do have a Discord server, but it is to customers only as its a hang around and a way to find someone to play with. Our discord is not for support for pre-sale questions, all that is done on our website.
  18. why would we need to list that its working for any cpu? thats just silly, ppl list it if it only works with a specific chip if nothing is listed it clearly works with all of them. our cheats dont take alot of fps so your fine with that gpu. if you use fake info it will require further verification.
  19. read the names again, it has nothing to do with steam as steam and streamproof is not the same thing 😜
  20. We dont accept paypal so you cant. you can try and contact one of our resellers as they might, but we have no say over our resellers so we dont know if they will accept paypal either.
  21. this is not the place to add suggestions, use the feature request but make sure its not been suggested allready and if it has, simply upvote it.
  22. You can check the status page for that.
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