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  • Birthday July 3

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  1. I was contemplating the purchase of the Rust cheat and I was wondering if I bought Rust on an Alt Steam account and get banned. Will I be banned on my main account? It worked for DayZ so I'm curious if it would be the same for Rust. Or does Rust IP/HWID ban? Would it be best to use a spoofer also?
  2. I am a old EFT customer back before they added BattleEye. During that time the cheese came with a built in spoofer and I was wondering if thats still a thing? If not is it seperate or is it just no longer available? If it's not available will it be in the future? And will that be in weeks months or years?
  3. 1. War Thunder 2. Dagor Engine 3. I can remember trying to get a cheat for this game for years, War Thunder is a game with no ranking system. Meaning theres nothing stopping someone with 10000 hours to go against someone with 10 hours and this makes this game really hard to progress and enjoy. I have attempted to find cheats for this game in the past, 1 got me banned and the other didn't help at all. This market seems to be poorly tapped by poor/detected cheats. Should chods decide to make a cheat for this game I feel it will bring a lot of revenue.
  4. Rather than making a new thread I will just post the question here, Sorry if this seems like I am trying to bump this thread it really isn't the intention with this post. Does anyone think a War Thunder cheat will ever be implamented? I have searched all around (I know no one, so private isn't an option for me) and I can't seem to find any reliable cheats for War Thunder, whenever I do the reviews for the provider are always poor so I don't even give them a second look. I have been with Chod for over 2 years now Chods is the only provider I have ever had where the cheats both work and are undetected. A big selling area for Chods was the EFT cheat, and now that it's a higher cost and only seems to stay up a couple days before it's enevitable detection, I think War Thunder would be a good game to switch to? It's free to play and it's EAC. It's just one of the games where decent hacks are pretty hard to find. What are your opinions?
  5. So it's pretty realistic to see that EFT is not gonna be around for much longer as it seems to be doing more harm than good for the sites reputation (Even tho those who got banned knew what they were getting themselves into) I am also aware that new cheats were voted upon not too long ago and I was just wondering which ones those where and if anymore cheats are planned for the future? As I have one or two games in mind.
  6. It's not really about losing the account it's the more ludicrous process of getting a new one. It's not a simple as buying a new account anymore.
  7. So I came on to see if there was any updates about the EFT cheat and I noticed it was up. Ngl I got goosebumps when I saw it but at the moment I am scared to use it. I have seen soo much chatter about how easy it is to be banned even if you cheat professionally and if others get caught others are vulnerable too. And with EFT have such a big spotlight now and EFT being a public cheat on a provider a lot of people in the EFT community know about I still feel it's only a matter of time before many people get banned. And if I do get banned it would most likely result in a HWID ban which I cannot afford to buy new parts to bypass (I know HWID spoofer but they don't always work) It has only been up for about half a day soo far and many doubt it will last longer than another 12 hours, how long do you reckon I should wait before getting the cheat? To those who have it how is it? I know about the crashing from the notice but do you feel like someone is watching you? Like Battleeye is evaluating your every move and if you look at someone or something in a suspitious way you may get flagged? Battleeye has always scared me and right now I feel like EFT cheating is over exept for those who can afford to get banned and can bypass and risk takers. Anyone able to give me advice? tl:dr I am scared to use the cheat I feel like battleeye and Battlestate are watching us and are working on taking it down right now Aparently if some get banned others get banned also Aparently it's easy to get banned even when cheating professionally I can't afford to be banned (Can't buy new parts and I don't wanna use a spoofer which don't always work)
  8. Scared to use it tbh, like shit scared.
  9. 1. War Thunder2. Dagor Engine3. I have yet to find a good cheat for War Thunder and it's in high demand atm. Because as you know, War Thunder isn't noob friendly. After about an hour of playing you get thrown in with experience players. If I find a cheat it always looks dodgy and ain't got very good protection/features. So should Chod create a cheat for it, it will bring in many customers. It also uses Easy Anti-Cheat.
  10. Alright, so if my IP is changed, buy the game on another Steam Account while using a HWID spoofer I should be good?
  11. I don't know if I have been HWID banned or not. I got a game ban on my profile so i'd be wise to say it's probs a HWID. Correct me if i'm wrong but dosen't everyones IP change after a while? If thats the case then I should be able to just buy the game again on another steam account and use a HWID spoofer?
  12. So yea, title is the question. How does one get around a DayZ ban?
  13. Do you reckon EFT will be out by Christmas?
  14. I'm fine buying anything under £60 but this is because I have other things I would rather spend and things I have to spend money on. I am not making lots of money atm, so I can't afford to pay £100+ for a cheat. Addition: I know BE is hard to keep undetected from but all I want is ESP. You also gotta remember that a lot of chods customers can't afford to spend lots of money to get a cheat for 30 or so days. Now, I'm sure the product is worth the money people like myself just can't afford it. As a result Chod is gonna lose a lot of customers. The higher the price the more money you get each purchase however you will get fewer purchases. The lower the price the less money you get each purchase however you will get more purchases. You need to find a midway for that. You want as many people buying it but you want to have a price that's worth the effort. Maybe is they have a discount launch or Black Friday/Christmas sale people will buy but as I said above, I can't afford £100+ so if the price is indeed that, I guess my sub will end however I am glad I chose chods back when I did.
  15. Hello, I know you do not like giving out ETAs, and I am not really asking for one, but I am thinking of buying RDR2 which is £55. Now, I know the cheese will cost more than before, (I estimate £30-40 at best) and I don't want to pay £55 for RDR2 only for the EFT cheese to come out a few days or a week later. What's the probability that the eft cheese will come out during November? ❤️
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