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Everything posted by Derp

  1. I usually have aimbot off and bound to a button if needed. Great to headshot stationary targets in the distance. (Just to get the crosshairs on that correct pixel)
  2. Thanks for the advice. Logs are scary (Tinfoil hat mode)
  3. Superb to keep open on laptop on the side to check what is useful
  4. Hi What is the right procedure after a lengthty session of fine melted cheese? I usually log out of the game, log off puter and remove the usb. Is there another more official way? Or better?
  5. Scum please. Feel like there are a million refined dairy users there already, need to even out the odds
  6. I used to have like insane K:D ratios. Had to really limit myself, but I have read that you should be more careful now. Can't wait to get back on the horse
  7. Hi I've been gone for a while, after the big ban earlier this year. I played pretty safe (imo), but what are the tips to stay "safe" these days?
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