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About Tokolosh

  • Birthday June 8

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Tokolosh's Achievements

Community Regular

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  1. ?ESCAPE FROM TARKOV RAID CARRIES? ?Trial Raid = 1x Free of Charge Raid for every new customer If you do not enjoy the service after the FREE raid you DO NOT have to continue to use the service. I operate on SUCCESSFUL raids only (If you die in raid you get another free) 1x Successful Raid = £5 3x Successful Raids = £15 ?4x Hours of Raids = £50 Questing = POR depending on the Quest Payment methods - Paypal & BTC Terms Of Service 1. Paypal payments must be sent as FF 2. Purchases are non refundable (Payments maybe refunded, sellers discretion) 3. If you die on purpose it will count as a successful raid 4. Payment needs to be made after TRAIL raid 5. You will get a free raid if you die within a raid after payment has been made 6. You do not get another free raid if you die within the TRAIL raid 7. NO LABS Contact info Discord = FakeSherpa#7203 or Send me a PM on CC PS - I've got the magic in me?
  2. What do you guys think about having custom gear for your PC, I am going to get my self one of these I think it looks ace Shout out @Stev for the awesome customer wallpaper ? Going to check if I can get a custom Chods headset done some where?
  3. Any idea when the USB's will come back into stock. I decided I want one ?
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