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Everything posted by lilceemoney

  1. Mine is kinda the same except it's Lilceemoney_XL, wonder if that saved me
  2. This cheese has come a very long way and has lost a lot of features and gained a lot too, but it is still one of the best cheese for this game out there. ESP 9/10 The ESP is perfect for always knowing where other players are, and even the option to see the direction where they are looking is a HUGE advantage, it also shows how many meters they are away from you so you can zero in. It also shows where loot is and you can filter out different stuff. What would be even cooler is if they had an Item list that you can customize with all the items in the game that can make specific Items different colors or not show up at all, but the esp is amazing! Aimbot 7/10 The aimbot is very customizable. From choosing what part of the body you want to shoot at or adjust how much recoil you have, you can also turn off Weapon Swaying and Bullet Spread so you can shoot in a straight line. The only problem here is that when a target is sprinting to the left or right it doesn't adjust for that by aiming ahead of where they are going, but the closer you are the less it matters. What I would recommend is to use the same target adjusting mechanic that the Battlefield 1 Cheese had. Other than that I would recommend to practice with it in an offline match first to learn it. Misc 8/10 You got your Night Vision, No visor, and Sky hacks to change the time of the day. These are very good but I do miss the feature to unlock all doors. Support / Status 10/10 The key to not getting banned is to be patient. If an update rolls out don't play till staff gives the good go. It can be tempting but it's not worth buying the game again and loosing your stash. Overall 8.5/10 This is one if the best EFT cheats out there and I have got 5+ of my friends to buy this cheat multiple times, very fun and 100% worth the money! Hope this review helps out!
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