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Everything posted by AKIIxTO

  1. Hello after a few weeks of not playing eft. i wanted to cheat again now i try to login and the launcher tells me : YOUR HardwareID has changed pls reset it ? and then it does close itself what am i supossed to do.. i did not change my hardwareID i dont even have vpn or something like that ?
  2. Hello im Tom from Germany (°^°)/ I looked at many...many cheat sites... i mean like aaaaa lot of cheat sites. .. and I have to say YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! 1. YOU GUYS HAVE SUCH A USER FRIENDLY SITE! it looks awsome! easy to maneuver around ! 2. YOUR CHEAT MENU ! HOLLY SHIT! ITS SO GOOD! again very very user friendly. and they layout i love it! 3. The main thing. the cheats/hacks. ...the quallity of youre cheats/hacks is just urgh wonderfull! ..fast updates.! almost never detected or not even once ! you make shure we are 110% save from getting banned. 4. support... and community! .. the support and how much u care about youre costumers to use the cheats/hacks save is great! hack might be detected? ...let us put it down to be shure. ..and give u the time back you could not use it ! (had many sites that dont do that ..)..really happy to found this site.. 5. Selection. thats the only negativ thing i have to say.. but i cant blame you guys rly for that . you guys dont have much cheats but the ones u have are like the highest quallity you can have ! Better quality than quantity! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR BEING SO AWESOME ! KEEP CALM AND CHEAT ON
  3. Just asking if u guys plan on makeing a hack for Hunt Showdown becaus there is only 1 site offering a cheat right now . and i dont like them at all... and u guys have the best cheats !!
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