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About krazynate

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  1. ill flat out say this they brought out dayz and 3-4 day later banned they shut it down then bring it back out 4-5days later and pple get banned again and then its shut down forever. the first BE cheat brought out didnt go so well. i do have hopes for chod and his team for eft. but i will say this if this is made public i do feel the same is going to happen. i am in a few private. some it takes 2-4 months before u get banned and one that im in i havent been banned at all. so just remember if a eft hack does come out doesnt matter if its private or public at some point u will be banned. battleye always catchs up an finds a way to ban. also give it a few yrs battleye costs 100k a yr. doubt they have that kind of money to last
  2. its an option that makes u be able to unlock every door without having to have a key
  3. cant wait. lookin good edit- im guessing the Test cheat thats been up is the eft hack. if it is then its nice to see its been up 24days without coming down. cant wait for release
  4. question why are u telling me to put this in the appropriate place when other suggested cheats are in the same location??? u can see pple suggesting scum gears huntshow down. think this is the right place Edit- i just clicked on them and saw u post the link
  5. it is possible. and since i dont see eft coming back up for a month or more. would u be able to make a hack for this game. plz destiny 2 is no longer releated to blizzard they are on steam. they dont have eac or battleye. with ur coding a cheat should be possible
  6. no clue but it might be an in house. alot of providers are just now getting ready to role out cheats for it so it took 8 days to decode it. they do ban via ip/hwid so be careful
  7. what are u on about the game has 300k-400k every day. also i think it would be good for him to make one since it doesnt have battleye or eac.
  8. destiny 2s anti cheat was ridiculous when they were with blizzard/ activision bc they used warden. they had a falling out and are on there own meaning there not using blizzards anti cheat anymore. i suggest taking a second look into this.
  9. destiny 2 is coming to steam on October 1st meaning there might be changes to there anitcheat. i do now a few other cheat providers are planning on bring out a cheat for it. would like to see chod do so aswell.
  10. make russian steam account buy gbp steam card buy dayz for 15 bucks use russian steam account to buy all my games. got destiny 2 DE for 30bucks and cyberpunk for 30. also cant wait for destiny 2 to come ouit on steam bc that means hacks will be coming out for it. they cut ties with activision meaning no warden anticheat anymore
  11. so is it just arma 3 and 2 share bans. cause i thought it was all bohemia games?
  12. is arma 3 on the same steam account as ur banned dayz?
  13. ur semi wrong they do do cross bans. so say u get banned in dayz ull get banned in arma 3 and 2 if its on the same account. same thing goes if u get banned in arma 3/2.. only those games are cross banned. all othere battleye games are fine.
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