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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Start CMD as admin and paste in: bcdedit /set {current} nx AlwaysOn Then hit enter and it should work.
  2. They have a blocking system against retards, i guess you triggered it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. that comment was from 4 years ago...
  4. https://chods-cheats.com/customer-area/
  5. no worries, it was only 3 years
  6. tbh there are situations where spectators can see stuff they shouldnt, like modifying the skillcheck range. not sure if thats still possible tho.
  7. i'm sure they will release something soon. game released out of nowhere tbh and i've let chod know immediately 😄
  8. unlimited ammo is not a thing anymore and with stick figures i guess you mean skeleton esp which is still in according to store description. also wrong section.
  9. Welcome! Yes the paladins cheat is updated for the newest game patch. Enjoy your stay 🙂
  10. use the credentials from the website, you dont have to create an account.
  11. you have to press insert to close the menu, not delete.
  12. Du musst insert/einfügen drücken, nicht delete/entf. Wenn bei dir beide keys in einem sind musst du zusätzlich den FN key drücken. Stell bitte sicher dass du in zukunft englisch schreibst, ist englisch only hier. 🙂
  13. It has been discontinued and will be offered for free once all subs ran out but it wont receive any updates anymore.🙂
  14. This is a paid cheat. 😉
  15. did you have the client running while the game was open? anyway, make a ban report: https://chods-cheats.com/forums/forum/132-ban-reports/
  16. Faceless


    Hey, you have to fully disable windows defender if it sees the file as virus. If thats not enough follow this guide:https://www.windowscentral.com/how-permanently-disable-windows-defender-windows-10
  17. Faceless

    Im tilted

    i guess you figured it out? 😄
  18. The engine of realm royale does not render beyond 100m, thats why nothing shows. For the other things could you please post them here?: https://chods-cheats.com/ideas/categories/ Thank you for the review!
  19. Hey, its temporary disabled. Only way is via reseller at the moment.
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