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Everything posted by Flemma

  1. pm me in discord, can get you a great deal : Flemma#0001
  2. I got 1 US (Global) Account i could sell you for 25$ (PayPal)
  3. 1 Key 25€ 2 Keys 45€ 3 Keys 60€ PayPal or BTC Only! EU/US/RU Codes available, just hit me up in discord (Flemma#0001 <- Discord)
  4. OOps thats a month old post ?
  5. Thats typically Escape from tarkov, insane that the desync is still so bad....
  6. Flemma

    New Games

    I mean if Chod is still developing alone, hes pretty limited by the bigger game Titles since they require more "work"...
  7. From what i know, its not getting updated since a longer time
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