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Tubzz last won the day on July 21 2019

Tubzz had the most liked content!


About Tubzz

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  1. All accounts come with full email access. You can change every detail on the account. Fresh Rust Accounts just €7 Each! hour boosted accounts coming soon... Autobuy via BTC/ETH https://shoppy.gg/product/H8G0Qu6
  2. Hey @kennethsw, Welcome to chods!
  3. Meh, i guess this might be good help to some users but, most of these 'game boosters' and stuff are purely just BS... Yeah you might get a few frames extra, but i wouldn't bother wasting my time lol. But glad to hear that this helped you, hope it helps others! ~tubz
  4. Yes i have a ban on DayZ and can play Arma3 just fine on the same account ~Tubz
  5. Hey Noah, The speedhack can only be turned on/off at the main menu. Adjusting it in a server will get you kicked(not banned, just reconnect to the server) Tubz
  6. 6,000 hour prime account for sale Open to offers! Rank = DMG Wins = 30 ish Injected? = Not in some time Games on the account = 20 Steam level = 7 Link to the account = https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198859662927/ Feel free to DM me an offer!
  7. I have used maxsmurf's numerous times in the past, and have always had a good experience. I vouch for his service, good prices too!
  8. I'm banned on DayZ on my alt and can play arma 3 just fine on it.
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