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Everything posted by iPeak

  1. if anyone has a silver account comment on here what u want for it :^
  2. -Never Injected it has been vertigoboosted to 31 wins price: 15 euros paypal or 2 cd asia keys https://gyazo.com/7212fe8e9714f7224787eea5aad6df51
  3. u created ur account 10 minites ago would say this is fishy
  4. i met u on hvh server with this acc u were raging
  5. i would say 25$ since pd2 was free and people selling LE prime accs for 20$
  6. i would call this price way to high, just check the other prime acc prices dont think anyone is gonna buy it for this price.
  7. Just a small tip for you Advertising vertigoboosting will get you community and game banned 2 of my friends got it [like SS and artworks on profile]
  8. 19,50 euros is minimum and paypal price could u add me on steam for further discuss?
  9. Bought a 13 y/o 6 digit thru paypal i went first and got the login right after +rep
  10. this is my first cheat actually and i got this acc as payment for boost and that was 1 year ago and i havent injected into it
  11. not sure how much its worth im asking some friends and their all saying different prices so for now ill just let everyone bid and if i like one offer ill accept it.
  12. 21,50 euros to Global Elite 13,50 euros to Supreme could u add me on steam if u want to order this boost: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iPeakAndDie/
  13. depends on ur rank cuz if ur under global i would advise buying rankups because 1 win isnt gonna rank you up if ur global the price is minimum 5 euro but depending on payment method it might get higher.
  14. https://gyazo.com/761fbda073a4cb9a43f6ee135481d394 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198155042649/ Wins:333 Rank: Global Elite Prime: yes [not activated yet] Coins: 2017 Medal Operations : Vanguard: Silver Nov 25 2014 Breakout Coin Bronze 20 Sep 2014 Hours: 1172 CS:GO Steam: Level 11 Member since 18 September 2014 [2 year medal] Got this acc last year i have never injected into it its in some edgy groups tho :^] Payment methods: Paypal, Skins Offer me anything my personal steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ipeakanddie
  15. CHEESEBOOST.EU Vertigo Boosting Service We offer Boosting on Vertigo method (16:0 wins) Each game takes ~8 minutes and it's played vs AFK Global Accounts Skins/Paypal/Paysafecard Supreme to GE - 5 LEM to Supreme - 4 LE to LEM - 3.5 DMG to LE - 3 Rankup in MG - 3 Rankup in Gold - 2 Rankup in Silver - 2 Empty Win 16:0 - 1 Website: CHEESEBOOST.EU TeamSpeak3: CHEESEBOOST.EU Steam Profile: Steamcommunity.com/id/iPeakAndDie Steam Group: Steamcommunity.com/groups/CheeseBoost
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