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Everything posted by yeahokmhm

  1. ?‍♂️ called it 7 months ago, nobody listened.
  2. Lol, I like how you made the disclaimer not to list EFT because you knew people would do it.
  3. It would be hard to stream Apex even with streamproofing and not be obvious that you're cheating, unless you solely use ESP
  4. I joined years ago and I am starting to lose faith. Do you find that disrespectful as well?
  5. probably nothing to update on. they released the cheese and it got detected in hours. just wait
  6. As much as the kiddies here don't want to hear it, this is the truth. The fact that Chod's is only 50/month is very telling, and releasing with no announcement and then getting waved immediately after is telling as well. I appreciate that criticism is taken fairly well here, as other providers would simply ban me for saying this, but Chod's seriously needs to go private and up the price before I can trust it again. The era of freely public cheating in tarkov is absolutely over, and everyone sitting here waiting for this is wasting their time. This happens to every cheat over time, it isn't a bad thing, it's just the way it is. Same thing happened to Rust, PUBG, and R6. The golden era is over.
  7. Ah yes, I forgot the Chod's team spends thousands on this site and the framework just to "make a good code". Thank you for enlightening me.
  8. I'm sorry but this isn't true. There are competitors to Chod's that are doing fairly well right now. This isn't meant to be taken offensively, or as an insult to Chod's - it's just an objective fact. This leads me to believe that Chod's can easily compete with them once the kinks are worked out, but it better happen fairly soon or people are going to jump ship.
  9. That is, of course, until you consider some people said they got banned pretty much as soon as they used it. And you should trust what they say, as they're customers paying over 50$ for a cheat. Plus, they made zero announcement, so I am assuming they either mistakenly released it or knew it wasn't ready.
  10. People got banned, it isn't debatable. The cheat was not ready to go live, clearly.
  11. Unlikely. With the addition of BE, many amateur developers are going to kick the bucket, and many experienced developers aren't going to bother with it since it is such a hassle. I believe, unfortunately, the era of stress free cheating is over. BE isn't a great AC by any means, but it is enough, apparently. Many other cheats are going offline almost every day now, and I don't mean to shit on chod and the crew, but there are other great devs out there that are getting shit on right now. Just remember the good times and move on. If chods releases a reliable EFT cheese, then rejoice, but don't sit here and expect a miracle.
  12. Ah well, maybe if they focused on EFT instead of other cheats like Dead by Daylight it could be out by now ?‍♂️
  13. I would be fine with paying 50-70. I've payed more for less lol
  14. It's likely going to be a few weeks minimum before we get any news, these things take time and skill to complete.
  15. What kind of price changes do you expect we will be looking at? And will long time users be able to renew their subs at lower prices like we already can? Thanks.
  16. Can I get a link to that
  17. Looking to find a buddy to queue up with in League. I'm diamond 2 and promos for 1. Hmu if interested :)
  18. Get a Tyler1 Premium DX Wooden racer
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