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Everything posted by fantasy

  1. Selling clean, never injected on accounts. The risk is that the account might have hours played on CS:GO but none of the accounts have played any matchmaking games. PM me if interested I only accept paypal friends & family.
  2. fantasy

    Music Thread

    I've seen threads similar to this one on other forums, so I decided to make one here aswell. Post your favorite music here! Here's mine:
  3. "For something that's meant to be automated". That's just so wrong, obviously they need to approve the payment when you're paying with your bank card or bitcoin. I see that you now have received VIP Access, being butt hurt on the forums did not help that process, at all.
  4. You can purchase the cheat of Resellers with paypal, but please pay attention to where you post your threads next time, as this is not the right place to ask questions like this.
  5. Please PM me an example, depending on the URL's I might be interested.
  6. If you want to quick start your service I suggest you give out a vouch copy to someone trusted on this website, so we actually know it's real :)
  7. Just wait. An admin will manually approve the purchase when they are on.
  8. You missquoted. It clearly said "Currently VAC has absolutely no way to detect this at all". That was when they were writing the information, times change - if you can't handle getting vac-banned, dont cheat :)
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