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About Pomegranate

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  1. In all reality, I think the concept of making the EFT cheese private/slot related is pretty smart. Think of it like a car; if you have 5 seats in a car, then you should have 5 people. If you have a car with 4 seats, if you have 9 people in that car; you can risk going to jail. I think maybe instead of making the EFT cheese private, possibly make it invite only. I may just be spraying shit out of my mind but it seems smart to me. That way there is a possibility for the cheat to go under the radar for longer? I dont really understand how to AC for these games go, but I'm imagining if you were to have 100-200 people on a game using the same cheese; there's a bigger possibility that that cheese could be discovered faster? Idk, once again it's just something I was thinking of. There's alot of people complaining about security and the possibility, I dont even play the game and that's all I'm seeing.
  2. Super excited to use my apex cheese for the first time since I bought it. Keep up the good work and hopefully everyone is satisfied with the outcome.
  4. Pomegranate


    Welp, im back to being on my computer a lot... SO WHO WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND!
  5. Chods, is the safest and most user friendly cheese you will possibly ever use. Enjoy Bud
  6. cheese is dope. Especially the cheese you dip tortilla chips in that comes in that jar.
  7. You might honestly have to take that "Lowkey" cheesing down to "Almost no cheesing". Shoot, you might as so lowkey to not even use an aimbot but keep and esp on.
  8. In (going on) almost three years they're has only been a couple changes like that. In the sense of EAC Proof CSGO Hacks and the default CSGO hack. In my mind if they were to make a simpler version they would most likely perfect it above what its already at (which is basically perfect) and possibly might even make the price higher. Given the fact that if that cheat were to be used right, you could go insane amounts of time not being banned. Given the ban right is low as it is on every game. But for that one specific feature me personally, i'd charge more because i know you could do much more with it. But also think of it like this, even if you dont use those options as of now; you may want them later. It's always awesome to have.
  9. Welcome. The site is amazing, along with its community.
  10. So im not new to chods but im new to the formus. Ive bought the cs cheats and stuff but im gonna try and get a invite to the h1z1 cheat so you'll see me around alot more. My names jay and if anyone wants/needs me hmu :)
  11. Hi I bought the bf1 cheat but how do I download it now?
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