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Everything posted by dfault

  1. CSGO, might be able to get a friend over for that sweet HvH (among other things) Awesome of you to do this!
  2. hehe, missed that, sry c: was put off because there were prices in the mix c: and because you wrote "I got 6 CS GO"
  3. @Drudenhaus12, good luck with sales c:, might (will is a better word) tip a friend that you sell CSGO gifts (he's in a desperate need of one )
  4. function potatoTransform(x) { return hokuspokus™(x); } if(vac != potato) { potatoTransform(vac); } potato is so harmless, but lovable.
  5. As long as you don't drink too much of it (caffeine overdose) it shouldn't be a problem as all energy drinks contain pretty much the same stuff except the flavour.
  6. potato = ValveAntiCheat; if(potato = true) { die(potato) echo "potato died - 9000 points to Gryffindor" } else { echo "potato died before living - such paradox" }
  7. Looks like some rad protection you have there Chod, would be soo awesome if I could code such stuff, but I'm mainly focusing on web stuff right now Ontopic: Check so you have all antivirus and debugging software shut off, then redownload the client.
  8. Nice to have you here
  9. You need to make a bootable USB if you haven't done that, might be the problem
  10. You will probably have to wait at least to black friday for the next promotion.
  11. Now don't talk bout' lifetime, people will get jelly'
  12. I at least am And now I seriously need to eat something before going to school
  14. A warm welcome for ya here.
  15. A really warm welcome för dich (In Swegermanlish)
  16. Listening to nightcore like it was drugs right now This one is pretty awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E0FgaHRkL4
  17. Volvo was founded by the devil himself with the pseudonym Gabe Newell, the devil dosen't want us to know that he actually is the devil as it would cripple the sales of games on Steam, thus he used a pseudonym. Now no-one will believe us if we said this publicly because he's a god to a lot of people. So basically his plan succeeded and the human race will soon be under his command.
  18. And I loved my auto-rotating signature D: and I hate writing [. color="#FFF" .] (spaces and dots to make the forum think it's not a real bb-tag) every time I want to have white text as the rich text editor is removed now
  19. You need to get your VIP activated, then you will be able to download the cheat from panel.chods-cheats.com (Member Panel). You will need to download the cheat everytime you use it as it removes itself for safety reasons.
  20. Volvo is the evil corporation that created services like Steam and games like Counter Strike
  21. I use white text for one main reason, it's because it's a lot easier to read on the forums, so you all know. You can always check up on the forum formatting guide I've made. I explain most of my tricks there
  22. Heres a warm welcome: Welcome!
  23. Careful with Steam groups, makes it easier for Volvo to track you.
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