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Everything posted by gal1991

  1. Hi , i'm interested in buying an account with CSGO / csgo gift. Send me a PM for my skype , my only payment method is through PayPal.
  2. CS:GO Cheat is down until chod will be sure its safe to use again.
  3. Reading your posts is like a torture .... Anyway , have fun with the cheat.
  4. There is no need to open a thread about it , send a PM to Emiiru/Chod , or just write it here
  5. You need to wait until Emiiru/Chod approve your purchase. After your account has been activated , simply log into the and download the client from there.
  6. gal1991


    Welcome ! The cheats should work now.
  7. Server is down , getting that error message "Server is down" "Socket error"
  8. gal1991

    Hi there !

    You probably got confused , Only those who bought VIP 1 month ago (When site was down) Had to post their paypal transaction ID in order to prove they had purchased vip in the old forum. When you buy VIP now , you will be activated automatically.
  9. That's really great to hear , thanks.
  10. I don't think selling vip accounts is acceptable here , I might be wrong though.
  11. User is banned... /close
  12. "Prophet started cheating so he could play with his kids. He’s “over 50,” and suffers from a serious visual impairment. He says that without ESP (extrasensory perception), part of the wallhacking cheat that highlights enemy players with bright red boxes, he wouldn't be able to keep up." Dad hacks with his kids seriously ?
  13. I like arabic rock and such , Maybe you will like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3jHvvn-vFQ (Yes its from the phoon CSGO vid) https://soundcloud.com/khalas/mijwiz (= My absolute favorite)
  14. The purpose of this program is to increase my ingame hours right? .... I can just leave the game open (?) ...
  15. Yeah I also think the newest update should be on the top , Because all the comments are basically 'Thank you" comments..
  16. Someone gave free unlimited accounts in the old forum like 1 month ago
  17. Emiiru is going over all the reactivation requests , Wait for your turn he will get to you
  18. <p>This guy really helped me with the client ! Great guy <img src="https://chods-cheats.com/uploads/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="https://chods-cheats.com/uploads/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

  19. Emmm thanks but last time he said he couldn't find it even though I had active vip when the site went down.. So Emiiru can you approve that what I should give chod is the Unique transaction ID ?
  20. Emiiru maybe you can help me , When chod asks for the purchase ID , Is it the "Unique Transaction ID #" In paypal ? For example here is a random payment of mine to someone else http://puu.sh/8lwpJ.png What should I give chod (from the payment to jamvo) So i will get accepted again?
  21. We pushed him to open the website again , So ofc there will be some bugs and so in the forum
  22. Nice signature though , Really sucks you cant post it directly... CHEAT > FORUM for now
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