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Why no eft cheat?


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On 6/15/2020 at 4:15 PM, LDeee said:


Like I've said many times before, Chod will never become an EFT supplier again. He has no intentions to, simply only "offering" an EFT cheat in the works just to keep the activity on his site.


Many have left realising it won't be a thing and have moved elsewhere like myself, others like you still believe there is a slight chance an EFT cheat from Chod will be a thing. (here's what you need, it ISN'T)

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21 hours ago, EFTHangover said:

Like I've said many times before, Chod will never become an EFT supplier again. He has no intentions to, simply only "offering" an EFT cheat in the works just to keep the activity on his site.


Many have left realising it won't be a thing and have moved elsewhere like myself, others like you still believe there is a slight chance an EFT cheat from Chod will be a thing. (here's what you need, it ISN'T)

then who does provide eft cheats cos that all I want

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From experience If you look hard enough their are private providers. You going to pay heavily for it, its also limited, and it also still gets you banned.


I will say ive had more longevity with a private but I think that's due to the limits of the cheese being used. Im not entirely sure on this just an opinion. I also find that private usually poorly optimized and I've had  a lot of issues getting the cheese booted up. Half the time it don't want to work. 


Private or Not You'll still get the  ban hammer  eventually!! Battleeye is a tough one to crack! 

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