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Thinking about purchasing.... need input


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Hi all , 

as you can see in the title im on the fence about purchasing some Cheese for EFT and wanted to get some input. I have played EFT for over a year and consider myself pretty good at the game, 6ish months ago i had a fairly high extraction rate and was always running full kit with plenty on money to supply runs. In the past few months ive noticed a big spike in players Cheesing NO im not hear to rant or be triggered just sayin my extract rate is half of what it was and atleast 1 out of 3 raids it seems like theres some cheese goin on. I have cheated on different games and had fun doing it and since it seems like its becoming Cheese or be Cheesed im thinkin of getting back into it . With that said I have some questions.


Obviously anytime you cheese you risk the chance of being smacked by the ban hammer I get that but ive been reading a lot of the posts on forums and see a lot of people talking about  " safe mode "  so my question is , does it turn off certain features ( rage type features ) to minimalize visual detection from say a person reviewing your account cause you got reported or flagged? or does it leave a smaller footprint in detection methods? ( I know nothing about injectors so I don't know if the more features you use the larger the injection is for example ) .


I see a lot of posts where you guys say you use features such as " no recoil, no sway etc " if BSG is watching your replay wouldn't that be a dead give away ? 


I know no cheese is 100% undetectable but im curious as to how often the " ban waves " have dectected Chod's Cheese.  Have more bans from chod's been from detection from injections or from player reports/ bsg manual bans?


Thank you in advance for any insight / help and any other info would be greatly appreciated .


Edited by StiksIsStoned
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There are plenty of ways to get you banned, even if you play legit.


With the recent drama about eft lots of shady stuff got discovered.


There has been 2-3 huge detection, and then it didn't matter what features you used.


Had cheese for couple months, has lots of issues and the no-work-weekend is there.

BSG clearly knows this, and loves to update on late friday afternoon.


I tried safe (esp only) and rage (aimbot,tp,recoil modifiers) and my rage acc lasted longer.


There is a dev mode in the game, however i don't remember ever reading spectate or anything.


People also say that devs play scav and monitor that instance, all just speculation.


I recommend using it on a cheap, throwaway account, starter edition is enough.


I also recommend waiting out this bad period after major patch. They are bringing the hack down every day, huge possibility of bans. All big banwaves happened right after patch day.

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I definitely agree with playing on an alternate account. You seem like you take pride in your main account and I don't blame you! I personally like chods and their support is wonderful if you have any problems. I've made dumb mistakes (purchasing wrong cheat) and they were able to redirect to the one I wanted. They are really nice and helpful. 

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Playing on an alternate account is always the safest bet if you are worried about being banned. Personally, chods hasn't let me down. Pre-patch I was able to obtain easily over 100k/d with 400+ raids. However, as eft seems to be punishing more as of late. Just be cautious when patches are released and wait it out.  If anything they are worth it in my opinion! Do note though, that using the more interesting features; teleporting and no clipping are always risky business. Use in moderation!

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