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Loot to me - EfT


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So i tried this option in an offline mode. i was supprised because i didnt think that it was running. i did it in a game with 5 mins left and no other players other than my team, again it worked, but my buddies could not see the loot.

So my questions are:

1) Should they be able to see the loot?

2) Is this something i can only see because the loot is still in its spawned place for others in the game?

3) Will using the loot to me feature cause me more likely to be banned?


Thank you for your time.

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About the same as your previous question.
If you wanna stay "legit" then toggle on "Safe Mode"

Your still using a cheat so it all comes down to you if you want to use it or not. Everyone gets caught eventually.


Personally i've been using all the available features raging for several hours a day, and im still flying under the radar  ?
Using chods your about as safe as you'll ever get, using a cheat.

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