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Why NOT to use Sketchy looking providers (Stick with Chod)


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Afternoon all!

Like a lot of you, I have patiently waited for 'Trusted' status to enable me to spend some money on the Chod PUBG cheat but the other day I decided to look into *********** again after a friend of mine said he actually had a PUBG cheat from them and was NOT banned yet!

I jumped at the chance and decided to buy a month as a trial. Transaction went through no issues, downloaded the cheat loader/injector and then to my horror it came up with the fact I had been banned?!

I then hit the forums, asked a few questions and it was confirmed by a moderator that *********** decide to ban there customers who get caught. They do this to keep the façade that they are a legit company, they delete bad reviews, ban players from there loader without telling them so that they can continue to buy cheats that the company knows will never work!

I hate that company, and will urge each and every one of you that after 3 purchases and 3/4 months with Chod that he and this site is nothing like ***********. Chod's Cheats is the real deal and I have realised this and if I want any cheats going forward I will only use Chod.

So thanks again Chod & Team, keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the half review and half warning :) 
Yeah, we know it's hard to find trusted and honest cheats providers those days. That's why we really care about those review from you guys.
Glade you enjoyed our service!


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36 minutes ago, Oxyde said:

Thanks for the half review and half warning :) 
Yeah, we know it's hard to find trusted and honest cheats providers those days. That's why we really care about those review from you guys.
Glade you enjoyed our service!


Enjoy.....Not Enjoyed.

Just not games (other than PUBG) on the available cheats list that I am playing currently so not made any purchases recently :(
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