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Everything posted by JustWin

  1. When you inject a cheat, the loader of the cheat maps a sys file that is the driver for the cheat. Drivers are how developers make the cheats usable/undetected. Now, whenever you inject the cheat on a boot, that driver stays mapped until you restart your PC. This means, if you are still playing under your mapped driver, this driver my not be made for anticheats other than the game you are playing, so when you launch a different game and they detect that driver, it will get you banned.
  2. Welcome to the party brother ❤️
  3. Now I am curious to know what is coming. I have realized they disabled the rust cheat. Does it have to do something with that?
  4. Thank you for welcoming me broski ❤️
  5. You might want to head to the support page for this concern. https://chods-cheats.com/support/ Open a request, and you should get help whenever a moderator/support is available.
  6. Good Morning Readers. My name is JustWin. I am a 7+ Year cheater, who mainly cheats on Rust and Call Of Duty. I am currently studying video game development, because I want to one day own a very nice survival/indie game that pushes itself through the market. Feel free to add me/follow me on ChodCheats so we can talk more about video games and development. Or we can talk about anything else if you'd like. I am a very social person.
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