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xavier last won the day on March 5 2017

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  1. Hi my friend, I just took 1 week vacation and when I got back today the cheat is somehow worked differently? I mean it says I had to close the steam first before inject the cheat? then I read on the forum, something about vac ban wave happened recently? is the cheat back online and safe? I am a bit confused. Thanks :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bluedevil9900


      My cheat keep getting this error message. |failed to find PEB 32, error:50"  what the hell is this lol

    3. xavier


      tbh , i have no idea.

      i suggest you create a ticket if problem persists.

    4. bluedevil9900


      I already did and sadly no one is helping me and this dexter guy is punishing me. I'm sorry. But I'm frustrated since I can't use the hack for so long and no one is responding my help except you lol. I do appreciate your response to me.

  2.  account been permanently banned by our automatic systems if you believe this to be in error plaesa post a support ticket and we will unban you if you are ctacker bad luck what is this please help me

  3. Xavier, can I use your config for face it? Is it safe? Do I need to change or aware of anything? Thanks man

    1. xavier


      it is untested on faceit so i would say "not recommended"

  4. Still it is like i say if you don't report thru matchlink !!
  5. When reporting on profile it will count towards next game. if player plays w/o hack he goes free and report is wasted.
  6. This is not approved yet. Anyone who buys this , does it at his own risk.
  7. You don't need the matchlink to report player ?
  8. Xavier, how to set the hack just only for wall, nothing else, no aimbot, etc. 
    PS: I use your cheat. It gets confusing with all the settings...IDK how to completely turn off the aimbot.

    Thanks for the help

    1. xavier


      uncheck weaponconfigs and edit the default settings only

    2. bluedevil9900


      Thanks man...... haha I want to improve my skill xD 

  9. Why I cannot download the hack? 

    1. xavier


      you can't ?

    2. bluedevil9900


      Now I can but I was confused.... whatever the case was, your site asked me to update my password, etc and in fact my account got locked for 0 min . So I reset everything and somehow I could get it back normal but now I can't download the cheat using my internet download manager anymore, had to do it the regular normal way. It's just weird....suddenly I got asked to change my password??

    3. xavier


      every user was foreced to do this for securityreasons so it's no bigga deal.

  10. Hello Xavier <3

    1. xavier
    2. bj8888


      brother i didn't get HWID RESET @_@
      can u help me ? even i send request ...

  11. hi i cant find config....

    1. xavier


      follow me on the forum and and get it from inside the hack

  12. Hi Xavier I was just wondering something, your cheat can avoid overwatch or not? I somehow managed to survived 1020 hours without getting vac banned yet lol. I got reported maybe 3 - 5 times per week. What does screenshot mode on means?

    1. xavier


      overwatch i caused by player-reports...

      play smart and max one game a day (MM) and you're fine.

      if you start looking at players thru walls and stuff ur bound to get overwatched.
      screenshot mode = and extra feature you pay for to be able to be stream/screenshot-proof

    2. bluedevil9900


      Thanks for the info my friend! I like your fast response xD 

  13. i cant find your config

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bluedevil9900


      What shall I do now? Just wait I guess?

    3. bluedevil9900


      NVM it's working now, I restart everything :P 

    4. xavier
  14. Boa noite xavier
    Preciso de ajuda sou membro novo aqui... nao seii mecher.. gostaria que vc me ajuda-se de como configurar. obrigado 

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