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Everything posted by JustMaxWasTaken

  1. Hello again, Here again everything listed i noticed in the current Cheat Update: - Instant Actions are not working for any Heals and Wiggling. This includes SelfHeal and Healing others (Idk if thats used to be like that) - 2 Killers in one Lobby Option isnt working // not letting the Game start after loading screen Lobby Information: - The 4th Perk is missing - Some Perks are shown like S27P01, maybe its possible to write the full Name of the Perk
  2. Hello again, i decided to make a quick list of everything i noticed what doesnt work correct rn so it might get fixed asap. - Instant Actions are not working for any Heals. This includes SelfHeal and Healing others (Idk if thats used to be like that) - When you play as Twins: As soon as you Pounce on a Survivor with Victor the Game Freezes and Crashs - 2 Killers in one Lobby Option isnt working // not letting the Game start after loading screen Lobby Information: - Onryo and Yoichi are not displayed when in Lobby - The 4th Perk is missing - Some Perks are shown like S27P01, maybe its possible to write the full Name of the Perk Things i would love to see in Future - Maybe add that you can see the Perks ingame too, as example next to the ESP Box. - Color them like the Tiers. As example when Tier 1 Perk the color of the Perk name is yellow, for tier 2 green and tier 3 purple - Add a Information that you can see if anyone in the Lobby is Streaming on Twitch/Youtube - For Huntress: No Cooldown with Hatchets/ Unlimited Hatchets - No Exhaustion after using Dead Hard/Balance Landing/Head On. Or you can use them even when you Exhausted - Items are not using Charges (Unlimited Flashlight Battery) - Unlimited Unbreakables - Option that you can use Hatchets with every Killer If I notice any more mistakes or think of any more ideas, I will add them here in this post
  3. I am also really happy about the new Features. But for me the Informations in the Lobby only tell 3 perks not 4. And the Unlock all perks/items/offering function is also not rly working. But great Job! I also would love to have the Information ingame what perks the player is running. as example below the ESP Box. And maybe Add the correct Killer names to the Esp as example Pyramid Head just says K20. i mean its obv that its pyramid Head but the full names just as Doctor or Nurse would be great ❤️
  4. Hey, with the last update I noticed that some functions no longer work properly or not at all and wanted to list them once to possibly help what exactly needs to be fixed. Auto Skillchecks: - Every kind of skillcheck (Gens, Yellow Glyphs, Wiggling) doesn't work automatically anymore. Existing bugs before the update: -- Yellow glyphs did not work properly even before the update. -- When wiggling the first skillcheck is always not correct Playing as a killer: - Every time you search a game as a killer, the game crashes during the loading screen. ESP: - The ESP is still partially working correctly, but it still has some errors: - Some survivors are not displayed or only sometimes. - It is no longer displayed when a survivor is injured - It shows permanently that the killer is carrying someone Aimbot: - The Aimbot for Flashlights on survivors does not work anymore. - (I don't know if the Aimbot/MagicMode for killers still works because as mentioned above you couldn't join a game as a killer) I would appreciate it very much if these bugs are fixed as soon as possible, as I just renewed my product a week ago. Also I have two possible functions that could be very helpful for some people: 1. bloodpoint ADD: You can give yourself an individual number of bloodpoints. 2. player level: you can adjust your player level and deversion individually I really hope I could help because this cheat is in my opinion the best that exists at the moment and I hope that this will not change!
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