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Everything posted by SoldatJon

  1. Haven't cheesed, or even played legit, in EFT since June or so. From what I hear, there's been a lot of changes to both the game and the anti-cheat. So that brings me to my questions: What kind of features have been added/removed since ~June? I do remember a 'grenade teleport' feature being added then removed shortly after, although I didn't get a chance to use it. What changes must I make to cheese safely, if any? I used a low-ish FOV with the aimbot + norecoil/nospread plus ESP, occasionally the door unlocker. I was never banned, even with a very high KD (although I did intentionally get myself smacked on Factory to reduce my KD every now and then). Thanks in advance.
  2. I've been having issues with it where the chat would close and not let me send messages anymore until restarting Steam.
  3. Vegas Pro 13 is my go-to, although I have been getting into Premiere Pro. I can't tell you which is easier because I've been using Vegas for a while and am just starting with Premiere, but I like Vegas better so far.
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