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Posts posted by iReaL95

  1. 18 hours ago, Xpi said:

    no one is forcing you to stick around, if you dont like how we do things then leave.

    there has been plenty of info about whats going on and it was made quite clear this downtime would take some time.

    so you want us to edit a post with no info? as there is no new info we can give untill there is new info.. sure we can make a new post and copy+paste the "old" post in it would that make you happy?


    if you have read the update post you allso know that there is only 2 coders fighting againts teams of ppl at eac so i dont see what the issue is that a moderator plays a game? or even if one of the coders do.. they allso have a life you know, do you work 24/7 without taking a break ??? i dont think so.


    you clearly dont know how much work goes into making a cheat safe and think that its just as easy as turning a key.... you should try and make your own cheat and then we can talk about who cares about what.(guess ill talk to ya in 15 years when you have figured out how to beat a really strong ac like eac)

    Obviously i say what i was saying.. because until to post many times stuff like this we didn't now any update or if someone it's working on that....

    If i was wanted to leave i was leaving without any regards and without any words..

    But it's frustrating to wait 2 months and don't have any clue what it's going on...


    No one was saying it's easy to defeat EAC/AC....


    Many of us was kick out of discord... 

    Here no one was posting some news...

    At least on the discord was something movement ...


    They need to understand as to give it back...


    We hope in 2 weeks if everything it's ok, to be back again...



  2. On 20/04/2021 at 19:24, Bobwhisker said:

    Realm royale is protected by EAC which just got a major update to security, they are working on it.


    They working?

    They don't give a f**k about us;)....like before some of them just playing and not giving a damn about customers....

    2 Months and all the cheats are down... ALL OF THEM...

    This "Product" will dissapear on the market... soon...

    With this interest of customors will end very soon..


    Feel sorry , it was a pleasure to use that product... but now i see don't even are interested anymore in updates/announcements/customors...


    That announcement it's to old and no update on him (edit/etc...)...


    About RealmRoyale EAC protection... was and before...but they were having some interest and they have update the hack...

    RealmRoyale it's not so important game on the platform to be so "PROTECTED"..... but whatever...they tell us just "what we want to hear" but nothing less...



  3. the sad thing it's after you buying the product it's not take few days and go in update for months :)))


    Ok high price good/rare product...

    But if they don't put some interest in update the cheats.... people forgot about their product...and like this some one else have money in the pocket :)


    "if you are smart enought don't take it personal" 



  4. Why dosen't anyone work on RealmRoyale hack?

    it's almost 1month and no response, no update nothing..

    Slowly we will lose our membership/money..

    Because no one it's making something...

    No Info/No updates..



  5. Hi everyone...

    I know the cheat's are down... and perhaps our licence got expiered..


    I don't think it's normal to be kickt out from Discord..

    Because we need to know and the updates...


    I wait an answer from someone who can explain/resolve this problem.


    Thank You!

  6. Hi everyone,


    Can someone tell me some tips/recomandation for aim?

    FOV and Smoothing?


    i have at the moment FOV: 13 / Smoothing: 6.6

    Keybind Mouse 1


    But dosen't work like an aim :))


    Perhaps needs more/less FOV/Smoot...



    If you have the settings , please put down your Settings.



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