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Everything posted by JohnWhite

  1. i agree with @manj88because most big streamers in this game are partnered and can get you banned from a video, names would be a dope feature to have also
  2. Get ur smurf accounts rdy : ) XD
  3. its definitly one of the best cheese ive tasted so far, Good and undetected if you play normal. no need to go crazy : )
  4. Hello everyone hope you are all well, as a player who has 3.4 k hours in hunt , I've recently used the cheese just a few days ago for the esp and i really enjoy it [ as i can avoid dying to campers XD ] i would like to say that to make the cheese more responsive i feel Skeleton Or Glow is needed , Aimbot honestly is not needed at all this game is slow paced not rocket science to master aiming , i feel like if aimbot is added, people might abuse it which will result to an easy detection due to people can now spectate the games if you kill them and most people might record your gameplay if they see something fishy going on, however if they remove the spectate feature then thats a different discussion , what you guys think on this feel free to give your opinion.
  5. JohnWhite

    aim bot

    Yeah i definitly would vote for the idea it should be for trusted / vip users,
  6. JohnWhite

    aim bot

    i honestly think adding aimbot would be a really bad idea.. but other then that this cheat is working just fine without it. however i would say a skeleton ESP would be dope
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