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Everything posted by Shogun28

  1. Is it possible to revive the sea of thieves cheese now that PS5 entered the waters crossplay makes the population much more growing.
  2. If it ever returns will be get the points back we already had ?
  3. Where did the points thing go ? with the bank and minigames and such ? i hoarded like 2.000 already now its gone all of the sudden ?
  4. A message for the creators and the admins whats the biggest improvement you guys achieved in the years you have been working on cheeses and how do you see the future of this community 🙂
  5. Is this feature getting a fix its my bread and butter rn ?
  6. And EAC is the suspicous father ;D
  7. I have been gone for sometime now and now that i see my beloved game hunt is up and running im still kinda not wanna try it out i have been banned several times now and it wont be long till the HWID ban hits me if it hasnt already have to check but the major thing is i want to counter this from happening right now but the problem is Chods dont offer a spoofer atm and there arent even decent spoofers out there for hunt no matter how long i search and i want to get back in the game but this is the only reason stopping me 😞
  8. Hey i wanted to know if hunt has any plans on returning i remember saying hunt was being tested after detection in january and we are almost April how is this going ?
  9. yea also waiting on the return 🙂
  10. its been quiet for a while now anything big coming our way or has anything happend ?
  11. Just like mordhau back in the day i would like this to work out the parrying isnt that clunky anymore like back in the day would love features for this game and has high populance
  12. I would love a cheese for this game has a steady playerbase and has huge game content and it keeps getting bigger. features like item spawner would come in very handy in this kind of game
  13. For suggesting new paid cheeses can we do it in the feature section or here like the free ones ?
  14. No personally i would like the team to focus on bigger titles and there current more played cheeses but thats just me happy christmas everyone
  15. Thats ok i will wait 🙂
  16. Nice revieuw and the esp is indeed amazing aimbot is not that good right now so prediction would come handy and it isnt as fishy as it looks cuz almost the whole community just headshots you in seconds they dont need an aimbot
  17. Gotcha and is a chod spoofer still far off right now to keep our HWID safe ?
  18. Is it recommended to use a vpn and why ?
  19. I know but every cheat has a different loophole
  20. So ive been watching the ideas with a close eye and they are all tagged with planned does it also mean they are truly confirmed ?
  21. So whats the reason for this new look for the site more red than orange now 😛
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