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Everything posted by firtzerz

  1. 30% off? Lol. Alright what about $60? That's a whole lot cheaper than market price.
  2. I can vouch for HacksXD. I bought from him before, fast transaction.
  3. I am selling my ★ Flip Knife | Blue Steel (Well-Worn) for about US$70. Accepting Paypal and Skrill. May consider other methods. You will have to go first, or middle-man if needed.
  4. I can sell you at a lower price. PM'd.
  5. Does $10 per copy sound good to you? PM me.
  6. MUST BE VAC CLEAN. With or without original email. Any dig. Stats must be shown in legit-proof. Won't pay any higher than $20.
  7. Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. Since HacksXD is a VIP I will go first. But I'm not sure after the troll thing.
  8. I need to get a CSGO gift/cdkey as soon as possible. If you're a known/VIP member, I am willing to go first. If you're not a known member, you have to go first. Price range between $6 to $9. Payment by Paypal, Skrill. I might consider other payments.
  9. I can sell you for $30. 5 DIGIT ORIGNAL EMAIL VAC CLEAN HL1 GAMES Price is negotiable.
  10. I can give you one for free. You made a pretty good cfg after all.
  11. Just bought 2 accounts from him. No fuss, no hassle. Fast transaction. +vouch
  12. I can sell you my 6dig for $15. NO VAC, CLEAN, I will also give you the email (since it's verified). PM ME.
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