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Everything posted by Jonez2675

  1. Happy new year fellers! And thank you from such a great work
  2. Right, in the same boat. There are two games where i cheat and one of them is hunt. Thanks to Chods its possible. Other use cheats aswell, and i am not even mad if i die to such. If someone wants to use cheats, the go ahead ?
  3. I totally agree with JohnWhite, specially with the aimbot thing.
  4. Been here almost two(?) months and i like it so far ? I have been a gamer for about 27ish years. Started with pc games back in the 90's, the moved to cosnsoles, and just last year i went back to pc gaming lol. I like this forum, ppl are friendly, support is awesome and fast to reply. And you have a very good cheez for hunt showdown, which i have been using, hope it gets back to operating state someday. Anyway, hi equally to everyone!
  5. Little late for the party, but i was banned too. And i did play carefully always. My steam profile does not show that im banned tho.
  6. Well, perhaps proper playernames? And the hide-all-key, which is already on the way if i remember right? And im afraid, that if you add aimbot, it will draw way more unwanted attention imho. But thats just me But other than that, its perfect. Edit. Should i add this review to hunt showdown review section too?
  7. Allright, been using this for some time now so here goes. Esp is the thing i bought this for, and it works great. I like how simple it looks and that it does not have too big fonts. Glow i prefer not to use, since it hurts the atmosphere imo, but its good option to have to some players. Loot esp is also good, tho i dont use that either becose it clutters the screen too much. But i wouold presume its good for quickplay. Player names still does not work, tho it does not bother me since i dont use it. Boss esp is also pretty neat option, specially with spider lol. When i use this cheat, i mainly use esp with distance. I would rate this 9/10 for its easy to use interface, and the biggest reason is, that it works in fullscreen mode and does not affect frames too badly. Great work guys.
  8. Jonez2675

    aim bot

    So, no aimbot never? If thats the case, than good. Mostly aimbot are the ones that get noticed and reported by other players.
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