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Posts posted by Sinthen

  1. 28 minutes ago, Chod said:

    That's not very nice. As I said, I stand by my staff as they stand by me. We are united and share the same values, if you feel like Feary is an asshole I can only presume he treated you like one; a sentiment I share in all honesty.

    I do support you and have had nothing but good experiences using your client and will continue to do so. I also am happy to see that you are taking our feedback and will attempt to provide us with more consistent updates.

    However; with that said,  I will say Feary has been the only negative side of my time here.  I do understand it gets tiring answering the same questions over and over again, but at the end of the day we are paying customers. Some of the bits we pay for are not cheap after converting to USD; so to expect a bit more professionalism at times is not a lot to ask for. I've personally witnessed on multiple occasions Feary being rude, narcissistic and belittling toward us.

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  2. Got a question.. I can't tell if its a coincidence or if the cheese are causing it. If I play for a period; and then close out of the game but I don't restart my PC; can this cause a BSOD?

    Occasionally I'll wake up after a nights gaming and notice my computer bricked to the following BSOD error Stop Code: Kernel Mode Exception Not Handled.

    From the research i've done, it says it could be a corrupted driver but everything is up to date and this only occurs if i've been using it.

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