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19benni81 last won the day on June 23 2023

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  1. yes ok the numbers for the two games are still quite ok, seems to be profitable. but it would still be nice to get a cheese for a current game and not for games you played a long time ago. And of course I know that "Predecessor" hasn't been released yet, but it shouldn't be long and there are already stress tests all the time where you can see how you could design a cheese. I would definitely be happy to see something new in a different genre.
  2. ...how about releasing a new cheese for a new game instead of making a new cheese for games that are hardly played anymore? ...then maybe you should think about "Predecessor". https://store.steampowered.com/app/961200/Predecessor/
  3. When I see how active the New World discord channels from other providers are, I can hardly imagine that it is not profitable. chods shouldn't lose touch .... that's much more important I think.
  4. any news about the cheese? @Faceless @Chod @Don Coderleone
  5. I just want to say that there are unfortunately too many dead games with cheese. Squad / Spellbreak / Rogue Company / Realm Royale / Mordhau / Deadside! (ONLY my opinion)
  6. and every other provider and his mother offers it ... and unfortunately it is another game that will be dead in about 3 months!
  7. I know that there is no ETA, but are you still working on NW? or will Deadside and Squad be brought to work first? furthermore ... will there be a Stage2 version of New World?
  8. ... cancel animation option for melee weapons would also be super good. oO https://youtu.be/UOR8i1v-vc4
  9. So I would be satisfied with an aimbob with prediction! Who works for players, NPC and animals. A good item esp with filter options for all resources. Although I've already read this ... a quote from another forum: ------- Amazon seems not to render in resources until you are very close. So 9 out of 10 times you see the vein before the game gives you the info it is a iron node. Players load in much further , do not expect to see iron nodes for the whole zone.Esp seems to show resources in a 25m radius. --------- Otherwise, I've already seen these options with other providers. -Anti-AFK -Fishing Bob - Grouped gatherables by category -Option to skip players -Option to Skip Animals -Option to Skip NPCs -Option to only target friends/Group (for healers) -Option to Skip Players in Save Zone -Option to show Quest Item .... I think that would take us a long way
  10. So is the cheese in SUCH an early stage? ... but yes, as soon as I have the time, I like to make a list!
  11. I also hope for news every day, because I don't feel like buying the overpriced **** 1 cheese. They have many good filters and options, but 1. I don't trust their security. 2. Much too expensive. 3. I just want to keep using chods. ^^
  12. When and on which platform should the game (or early access) come? I can't figure it out ...
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