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About popolopo

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  1. Raid 0 with two identical ssds. Remove your banned drives and change ip or use vpn. This worked for me, still not banned since 1.1.2020
  2. you must follow every step.. then its working 100% for everyone.
  3. If you are banned on first acc and then you buy second one and get instant banned in like second run then you are probably hwid banned. Happened to me, but raid 0 with two ssd helped me and im playing like 3 months without ban on my third acc.
  4. That is so sad u cant even play without cheese
  5. First account has 2 bans Second account was instant banned after 5 min of playing. So I was hwid banned. Then I tryed raid 0 and my third account is fine without ban so.. Its working for me like charm.
  6. 20% discount on official tarkov website if u want.
  7. I was banned by battle eye on Tarkov.. 1. Remove all your disks and never ever connect them again. 2. RAID 0 with two 500gb SSDs. (there is a lot of tutorials on yotube) 3. Fresh Windows. 4. VPN. 5. Change your MAC address. 6. NIC/USB network adapter. (disable all adapters except the new one) 7. Dont ever sign into an account that has a past ban on it. Make new account. This worked for me.
  8. Hey guys, anyone know when is next wipe? BTW all my shit will be deleted including my lvl ?
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