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Everything posted by Kookil87

  1. I can tell you guys this much about how to make a good cheat and make it really safe. It can take up to hours or even Days or moth depends on what game it is and what anti cheat it is using. I like good cheat Reviews. But my Point is that it takes alot of time to make a cheat undetecteble. If you just saying for example put down. 1 day = a cheat for assultcube 1 week = a not to good cheat to csgo 2 weeks = a decent cheet for csgo 4 weeks = a decent cheet for paladins 6-10 weeks = nice and undetected cheat for a long time for paladins Why is it so hard to bypass PALADINS that have EAC and not to hard to bypass VAC games. Well EAC, It´s all about drivers. EAC strip the handle permissions to their games becasue they are using a line "ObRegisterCallbacks". They have diffrent methods to even Close down most of the injection systems/softwere. If we are going easy mode they are checking for diffrent "Handle Creations" and cutting them off so they cant read memory or write memory. They also stop AHK scripts and so on. But a method to come by this thing is to get your hands on Lsass.exe and it is a program that is already in your system that stores all the handles for every single game and program you have on your computer. If lsass.exe gets closed down you computer will crash and die " just for a Little bit you can start it up again" but anyways. Therefor anti-cheat systems are not allowed to make Changes so the lsass.exe gets changed. And do you know what that means. That means that lsass.exe´s handles is not getting stripped or cut of by the anti-cheat "EAC". GG good luck out there fellow coders and users really hope this was usefull for understanding why it´s hard to make a cheat safe….
  2. Yo, Whats up, been down for a couple of years but im up running agian! Nice to meet you all!
  3. Kookil87


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