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Everything posted by Koteikovych

  1. Will we have an option to record gameplay without cheat overlay recorded?
  2. You need to find really closed community with extra private cheese then.
  3. Just search info for 2 mins and you'll find this:
  4. 40GBP is reasonable too for quality cheese from Chod. But 100 pounds it's way too expensive.
  5. Yep, i suppose it will be 40 pounds per month. My wallet is ready for this price.
  6. Feel really exited about EFT cheese is coming on. I have a good feeling that it will be online this week
  7. It will be sooner than you think! ? Soon™️
  8. Will we have a safe recording option for EFT? To record game with OBS or something else without recording cheese interface?
  9. Hey there! Eastern Europe is on the comms, comrades. We're waiting for EFT cheese with you now.
  10. I think they might don't change it. If they release it in 1-2 weeks their offer will become a best offer on market and the volume of sales will overcompensate higher development price.
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