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Everything posted by Weebtastic

  1. I think, if Chod want to keep up the EFT Cheese, he should. Quality needs it time. If he desperates to much he should just stop, but now I'm saying, give this man his time he needs and if he wants to quit with the EFT Cheese, its ok too. I dont have an idea how coding works, but I think bypassing BattleEye isnt easy. As @Xpisaid, is a 2 day Cheese what u want? I dont think so!
  2. Looks smexy af and thanks for the info. Really apreciate your guys work ❤️
  3. Yea, totally agree with that. But one thing! We are just one here in the com. Waiting for the release of the cheese and everyone is meeting ppl ingame who use Chods cheese
  4. That are some really great news. I'm very exited about this! Keep up your great work guys!
  5. Heyo fellas, I'm here since last monday and just want to say hi and nice to meet you all MAY THE CHEESE BE WITH US!!!
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