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About Tankred

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  1. I would love to try the Hunt cheat. Thanks for the giveaway !
  2. They released it less than a month ago. So, not much wait after all. ^^
  3. I never said it's ok to be banned, but it's still less frustrating. Plus, you can level your main by playing duo with the cheating account. It's cheaper to develop. Dev don't have to buy multiple accounts to replace the one bans during development.
  4. 1/ Fortnite 2/ Unreal Engine 4 3/ No matter what people say it's a cool game, plus it's free so having a secondary banned account isn't too frustrating.
  5. It was this summer, that's why we are asking. But okay ?
  6. Hi ! Sorry to bother but what does the "Smooth aim" does exactly ? Thanks in advance.
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