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About McLennyFace

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  1. 1. Name of the Game: Arma 3 2. Name of the Engine: Real Virtuality 3. Why you want to have a cheat for it: I would love a cheat for this game because I have been playing it for more than 3 years and it's became quite dull so I'd like a cheat that can sort of change how I play and make it more fun for me. 4. What features I would like: ESP, AimBot, Quick movement, Quick reload, lag switch that can reconnect after 7 seconds (this is how long you can go without being kicked from the server) and activated by a bind, etc.
  2. One game that I know is currently lacking in a good cheese would be Arma 3. I think that CC would be able to fill a gap with their high quality cheese's.
  3. How do you even get rep on here haha
  4. I bought 3 months of cheats before it went down and was able to use it for like a day, when they come back online again will I get the rest of my time back?
  5. Can't wait to see what comes out of this one. I just paid for the 3 months cheats for EFT and I am in no way disappointed. I see it as an investment because I know when you guys deliver, you deliver hard with the best of the best and that'll come with time and patience. Keep up the great work guys, you have my support
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