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About Smokeyboi

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  1. Absolutely totally agree with the current priority queue thanks all for working so hard and dealing with all us cheeseheads! Enjoy your holidays! ?
  2. Also would I be incorrect in thinking it will be soonerTM rather than later considering EAC is already defeated?
  3. hehe you make me a very happy man if I do get the privilege to use this.
  4. This is what I'm rambling about it can be found in the WTF is happening thread
  5. Hey I remember a little while ago I saw there were rust chams teased! I am EXTREMELY interested in the development for the rust cheese! I totally understand it's on the back burner but is it still in question?! Thanks guys! enjoy your day!
  6. Thank you for saying whats on all of our minds
  7. I think we're all in the same boat, the respect they give their customers is insane
  8. I would die to beta for the rust cheese
  9. It makes zero sense to charge back; everyone who is thinking about it let me tell you this: BattlEye is a decent anticheat but decent is not perfect; there was a bypass for siege I used for eight months and resold for got detected and as soon as that happened I myself dealt with alot of chargebacks then as soon as another bypass was found (two weeks) then all these people were wanting to repurchase; why would you sell back to someone that has charged back if you take anything from this post. DON'T chargeback, there is always an exploit that will be found; Also I'm excited for Rust will be purchasing that. Good luck to the team, thank you for your transparency and hard work. it is appreciated. P.S. Can someone please send me the discord link thanks
  10. okay that worked. I was gonna purchase 6 month, but that way there is no discount. So instead I just got a one month
  11. I am receiving this message when I go to add it to my cart You are only allowed to purchase one of this product, and you have already done so. OK
  12. As stated in the Title I am looking to purchase a EOD Account. Will be using a Verified MM on this site.
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