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Everything posted by jasonm82299

  1. What bans are you talking about? Was the EFT cheat up and then you guys took it down because of the ban?
  2. Is there any kind of ETA about the Tarkov cheat? I know you couldn't be specific about it because it'll be done when it's done, but Tarkov is getting on my last nerve lmao
  3. Been waiting for this for so long! Super hyped!
  4. Do I have to be in a game to use it?
  5. Yes thank you I found out for HP you have to type Shift + Fn + Prt Sc. My other question is there like a guide to using the menu? It says to use the INS to navigate the menu but none of my mouse keys work for the functions.
  6. I see to activate the cheat you have to use the INS key. The only issue is that my laptop has an HP keyboard and they group the INS and the Prt Sc key together, and it only functions as a Prt Sc key even when using shift.
  7. I added extra proof of my ID and updated the info on my support ticket like five hours ago. Send help.
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