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Everything posted by egolasii7

  1. @sofly1911 Are we going to get any official explanation from mods or Chod? I mean I'm actually surprised you guys even just released without saying anything.
  2. They just took down the EFT Cheese idk what's going on.
  3. I'ts the pure combined fact that Cheese is 65$ and game around 40$ and HWID spoofer has no 100% safety loop. But so far I trust Chod, we'll see how things go.
  4. I'm playing this one smart and possibly observing for a week first before I buy.
  6. How can we achieve access to the Discord server?
  7. We would really appreciate a moderate ETA though. I literally leaves this tab on and check in morning and night every day with hope. Tarkov has become an obsession and I need this cheese. It's alright to say "couple months" or "couple weeks" we're your community and we all will still be understanding and obviously since we value your care and security we won't be steering to any other pitless cheese sites.
  8. I'm honestly done with this damn game. Not playing until further release of this cheese.
  9. explain me what exactly that is please
  10. My apologize I didn't mention right, I'm using the aimbot with no sway and breath as well, should I try out no recoil?
  11. I keep getting absolutely shredded in labs by 1 person that cheats, me and my 4 other squadmates and whatever I try my esp is just so much inferior to theirs in EVERY scenerio. I don't know if I'm missing something but whatever settings I use these guys are already locked unto my head before their hitbox even appears on my screen or my esp locks unto them they're firing rounds unto my head.
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