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  1. I got mine down to just quitting the game and not freezing my machine, so now the game just close itself like with alt f4 and it only happens in menus not in the raids. I'm really busy with promotion at work and haven't played in a while but as soon as I get chance I will report it back. I'm kind of hopeful that the windows in game overlay is at fault cuz I have tried all other things with no positive results, if that doesn't work I might give up on it.
  2. I haven't played it in a while, been really busy lately. I will get back at it sometime later and will report it back. Tnx for suggestion man anyway....
  3. Thank you and all the best, can't wait for eft, if I can sort crashing issues with game basically I will use only esp, leave recoil,aimbot and all that fancy stuff alone, cuz my aim is not that good and when I do lose to better player it will look legit, I always go in raid as cheap as possible anyway, so not much to lose.
  4. No it's all default, haven't overclock anything, just been in touch with microsoft and we found what's exactly causing the crash, windows full screen optimization was the issue, haven't crashed yet after the changes, will see how it's holding on.... will report back after few tests.... much appreciated the help guys....tnx
  5. And weird that after 2 or 3 crashes it works fine for hours nonstop......
  6. Nothing works, I tried everything and it keeps crashing my pc, weird that it crashes only when in lobby or in hideout, never crashed in raid. I give up.......
  7. Tnx will try, my second monitor is not connected by display port cable but rather with some kind of adapter, it might be a reason for crashing
  8. Hmm good idea. Haven't checked the bios version, tnx man. I did build pc on my own but I'm far from being a pro when it comes to these things, will try to sort it out and report back in case some1 has similar issues
  9. Got all drivers up to date, checked them at device manager,seems ok there. I dont use nvidia overlay in game and no other programs, fresh install, just windows and tarkov lol cuz tarkov is life I did change compatibility to windows 8 and run as an admin, changed in game settings to low and auto ram cleaner on and it hasn't crashed the pc yet, although the game just closed once without giving any error report or something like it, just closed on it's own
  10. Just did a stress test on cpu for 10min with intel extreme tuning utility and the temperature holded from 57 to 65 Celsius. Dont think it's a overheating issue.
  11. Imagine what happens after Chod beats the BE? He will grab a lot of attention, not that he wasn't known before, but after this he will become a LEGEND It's exiting and worrying at the same time
  12. Ok will try to do, might replace thermal paste too if I'm at it, haven't done it for more than a year. Tnx for reply sir
  13. Hey people. I got weird issue, my eft keeps crashing my pc. I turn on pc log into eft and within 1minute it crashes and reboots itself. I can play any other games on ultra all day long without any issue but not eft. I did a fresh windows install and eft too, was fine for few days but started to happen again. Any one had similar issues? Advice is much appreciated. Intel i7 9900k Nvidia 1080ti Ssd 32gb ram Corsair water cooling for cpu 850w power supply Razer peripherals Aoc 144hz monitor and benq zowie monitor 144hz too. Thank you
  14. And I wish him good luck and a big thanks from me for doing what he's doing. No pressure guys, do what you have to do, I will keep grinding my life away
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