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  1. its just not in the store but its on cheat status, its odd but im sure they have a reason behind it
  2. I was wondering if the HLL cheese is for certain people within the community to purchase, VIP or trusted, etc. I've been waiting a long time for good HLL cheese and I'd really like to get it.
  3. 3500 meters is the render range you cant make it any higher
  4. that would be interesting, I havent played infestation in yeaaaars
  5. when I buy a cheat I only use the ESP because its the only thing I need and I don't target people and go straight for them or anything but its just there to give me a little bit of an edge on them.
  6. I'm sorry you got banned it happens to the best of us sometimes but I'm glad they sorted it out for you, the hospitality from the staff and the community here is very very good.
  7. who knows, maybe something happened with it being detected and they have to rework it?
  8. After you purchase the hunt showdown cheat, you can look either look at the email sent to you by chods cheats or look to the members area tab at the top that will bring you to where all of your purchased content will be and to the right you should see 4 options, youll want to click on download client and have a USB device at hand for that is how you load the cheat and you can also refer to the https://chods-cheats.com/guides/ for anything else you need for the setup. Happy hunting and stay safe my friend.
  9. I've been using the hunt cheat since its release and have never received a ban its safety is really high but just be careful with how sus you play because that can get you reported just be smart and you'll be fine. and welcome to the community my friend!
  10. I noticed that the no recoil option wasnt working but all in due time
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